Partial Shipments and Orders Page Updates - MyArrow Updates

Partial Shipments and Orders Page Updates

Posted on Dec 3, 2021. Featured in Order Management .
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Navigating supply chain challenges in the electronics industry can be difficult. To stay on top of production, you need to track vital and changing information, including knowing which products are on order, how much of the order was shipped, and when it will all arrive.

To help you find all this information at a quick glance, we’ve redesigned the orders page on MyArrow. Now, you can quickly search or filter to see a breakdown of what items were ordered, reserved, and shipped. You can also see if a partial shipment is available for your order, as well as when it will arrive.

Let’s first look at what partial shipments are and how they can help your overall production.

How to request and view partial shipments

Partial shipments allow you to keep your production line moving when Arrow can deliver part of your requested quantity earlier than the full quantity. If there are partial quantities available for the parts you’ve ordered, they will be shown in the estimated ship date column on the Orders page in MyArrow. If you need parts as soon as possible, reach out to your salesperson to request a partial shipment.

Once the shipment has been confirmed, your sales order (SO) line will be split to reflect your two scheduled shipments and new arrival dates. For example, SO 1 would be split into lines 1.1 and 1.2 to reflect your new dates, but your PO number will remain the same.

  1. Partial ship date
    • If you have more than one potential partial date, it will appear underneath the earliest partial date.
  2. Full order ship date

Next, let’s take a closer look at a new, easier way to view your entire backlog.

The latest backlog updates explained

We’ve designed a more intuitive experience on the orders page to make it easier to view and use. To accomplish this, we made some changes to the layout to show your most important order updates first. To help you get more familiar with the new layout, we created a breakdown of what each column offers. And don’t worry, if you can’t find the information you normally use in the new layout, it’s all still available if you download your backlog.

  1. Purchase Order/PO Line: This column aligns with the PO from your internal system. If your PO has multiple lines, MyArrow will break out each line. The number underneath your PO number indicates which line the information is for.
  2. Sales Order/SO Line: This column aligns with Arrow’s internal system once your order is accepted. You can use this for reference when asking an Arrow representative about your order. To quickly ask a question about your order, click the check box next to your PO number and then select email sales representative. This will send all your order information to your representative, along with your question or comments. If your
  3. Line Status: View if your order is open, preparing for shipment, or shipped.
  4. Buyer: If you have multiple buyers associated with a bill-to address, view which buyer requested a specific line.
  5. Manufacturer Part Number: View the manufacturer and their internal part number for the part your requested.
  6. Customer Part Number: This column aligns with the part number in your internal system.
  7. Quantity: View how many parts are on order for a single line, if there is stock reserved, and if the parts have shipped.
  8. Requested Date: View the date you requested for this line to show up on your dock.
  9. Estimated Ship Date: This is the date, or dates, that your parts are estimated to ship from Arrow’s facility. If you have partial shipments, they will also be shown here.
  10. Scheduled Arrival Date: This is the date your entire order is scheduled to arrive on your dock. If you have partial shipments, they will not affect your scheduled arrival date.
  11. Shipped Date/Tracking: This is the date that your parts left an Arrow facility. Once your parts are shipped, a clickable tracking number will appear in this column.

Topics: Backlog , Orders , Partial Shipments